AdvoxDAO Discord Server:

Clan Design + Modular Consensus Tooling

(draft, pending community corrections)

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Introduction:

This document serves as a bridge between the modular consensus tooling and the clan design or indigenous modes of governance. In each segment the clan flow process will be described by its name and then broken down into parts. The parts will describe both how the process is guided by indigenous modes AND supported by the consensus tooling on discord

The channels on discord pertaining to the consensus flow tooling

The channels on discord pertaining to the consensus flow tooling


<aside> 🧪 Please test this flow out with your respective clans ASAP. This will be a critical addition to the consensus tooling; ensuring distributed power can be sustained long term in our AdvoxDAO system design! Feel free to contact the Gov Lab (@GovLab) or fellow advocates: merrick.btc (merrick#2124) or Hero Gamer ⚡#8072 for guidance on testing this flow out, it can be used to engender realtime meetings or thread consensus about the tooling itself, we can use it to iterate on our Advocates CoC, decide on our temporary clan representatives etc.

Note: The tooling is modular and can be customized by how many threads a clan rep may decide to make, the time determined until quorum, and other user interface or experience modifications needed as well. This is intentional to maintain the autonomy of each clan in their processes of consensus.


Clan Flow: #Active-issues

use of the #active-issues channel

Preliminary Consensus

use of the #active-issues channel

0 | Picking up issues

Female & Male Wolf representatives or the Wolf sub-representatives pick up issues deemed relevant in broader Stacks ecosystem or AdvoxDAO. Particularly issues that are picking up steam in dialogue from multiple parties in the channels.

1 | Autonomous Clan Prelims

First, Wolf clan reps tag other clans as needed to tend to the issue. All three clans use the #active-issues channels as needed to deliberate the issue, each using autonomous processes. The bottom up quorum period of participation will need to be decided for consensus; real-time meetings for time zones and schedules will need to be initiated where possible or thread dialogue when not possible.

2 | Autonomous Clan Prelims

Two representatives, one female and one male, from each of the 3 clans, come to consensus in autonomous processes before moving to formal consensus, where dialogue will converge. This is critical to sustainability. Through the long term, complex dynamics of our ecosystem, it is ensured that the autonomous voices of women & ecosystems are not drowned out.


<aside> ✅ *0. Female and Male Wolf Reps harvest Issue from community discussion

  1. Female and Male Wolf Reps bring Issue to #active-issues channel and @mentions all relevant clan representatives to deliberate the issue within respective clans
  2. Female and Male clans use autonomous preliminary consensus processes
  3. Formal Consensus: simply formalization of consensus reached in prelims*


Throughout the Preliminary phase, there is communication between the 6 clan reps (3 female and 3 male). This means the formal phase is virtually just a formalization of what has already been discussed in prelim phase consensus. A critical means for streamlining as many voices as possible while avoiding gridlock.

We currently have no temporary representatives in place, so prelim phase facilitation leads will need to be determined by respective clans until we have selected our reps.